Friday, November 14, 2008

Email November 5, 2008

Sorry this is late getting up... I have had super sick kids for the last couple weeks! tyne

Well, big day in the US. We jumped up this AM, turned on the computer and got the news about Obama. Went straight to my prayer journal and wrote a prayer for the country and the president-elect. We tried to explain to a Ugandan today that while the Americans who voted for Obama would be rejoicing, even people who wanted McCain in office would continue to pray for Barack Obama as our leader.

Our contractor for the project said that the CNN from Europe was focusing on how surprised the world is that America would actually elect an African-American as president. We told him how surprised we were that the world thought that racial issues would ultimately decide the election - that Americans look for the best candidate, and despite the fact that racism is unfortunately alive and well, the majority of Americans are not basing their vote on race. So in whatever spirits this finds you on post-election day, we are all called to lift up our future leader in prayer. As we live away from all the press and the hype and emotion of our election, and in the midst of a small African nation struggling to embrace and fulfill the promise of democracy, we are simply grateful that we are American.

We have attached a photo from our Christ Aid Academy chapel today - so incredibly uplifting that I wish we had made a video recording of Moses playing his guitar and the kids rocking out to "Jesus lives". We most often attend Calvary Chapel where Moses is the P and W leader. We asked him to come do a music chapel for us - and was he ever a hit! Most of the students had never seen a guitar...just take that one in and digest. But as soon as they caught on to what he was doing, they were clapping and dancing to beat the band. He explained to them how he made his first guitar when he was a small village boy - and the kids were captivated, watching every detail of his explanation as he showed them a gerry can, how he cut a hole in it, then attached a stick and some wires for strings and started playing. we can only imagine that the huts of Kicuna will be ringing with homemade guitar music tonight and in the near future. We wonder what little seeds he planted for future musicians????

Our only prayer request this week from all of you is for the other Americans who live in Fort Portal and do ministry here. The journal entry is a slice of their lives and a look at sacrifice and reward in the mission field. Truly these people have been especially equipped by God - so when you think to pray for us and the CAA project, please remember them, as well: Bob and Jennifer Chedester - World Harvest, Hope Primary School, Bundibugyo MissionCheryl and Jeff Cash - New Testament Church of Christ, Fort Portal and soon to be DRC missionaries via the airAmy and Andrew Martin - New Testament Church of ChristIsaac and Clea Wooten, Connie- Calvary Chapel Bible SchoolDoug and Destiny Calhoun - Calvary ChapelBrandi and Lew Johnson - Baptist World MissionsCarol Adams - private orphanage and sponsorship for school fees. There are a few others - but mostly on very short-term basis for 3-9 months.

Tyne Evans White is keeping our blog updated at - many thanks to her!

Mukama Abahe Omugiisa

Bob and Linda

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